
Why Insure Your Goods?

At EXMARE, we highly recommend insuring your goods throughout the transport process, from ex-works to final delivery or unloading at the destination port. Goods are exposed to numerous risks (accidents, theft, damage) beyond transport operations, such as loading, unloading, handling, and storage.
These risks can cause delays and result in substantial financial losses.

For this reason, we recommend Ad Valorem insurance, which provides full compensation based on the value of your goods and offers a quick and simple process.

 This insurance can be tailored to your needs and the nature of the goods.

EXMARE acts as your agent, advising you, negotiating the best terms, and defending your interests in case of damage (formalities, reservations, file preparation, expert appraisal, etc.).

Ad Valorem insurance covers your goods from start to finish, regardless of the transport mode (sea, air, land, or river).
A single insurance certificate is issued for all transport types. TRANSPORT.

It’s important to understand that carrier liability insurance may not fully cover your damage in the event of a claim. Typically, only if the carrier’s liability is proven will you receive compensation, and the amount is generally less than the actual damage.

For example:

  • Air transport (Warsaw and Montreal Conventions): Compensation of 16.5837 SDR per kg (Warsaw) or 17 SDR per kg (Montreal), unless a value declaration is made.
  • International road transport (CMR Convention): Compensation is limited to 8.33 SDR per kg for missing or damaged goods.

For a detailed explanation of liability limits and additional information, please consult with us.

On the other hand,

Ad Valorem Insurance compensates you based on the chosen insurance value.

For example, if your goods are insured at a cost + 10%, you’ll be compensated accordingly.

General average occurs when, to avoid a greater peril, the captain must sacrifice some goods on board, such as in cases of fire, grounding, or collision. In such instances, all parties with goods on board must contribute to the costs proportionally to the value of the goods saved.
In this case, all those with goods on the vessel must contribute to the expenses, in proportion to the values saved.

When an accident occurs, identifying the party responsible for the damage across the transport chain can be complex and costly. Out-of-court settlements are rare and often unsatisfactory. However,

if your goods are insured under “All Risks” coverage, you will be directly compensated for any damage incurred.

FAP SAUF Insurance Covers damages or losses only if caused by specific major events such as

shipwrecks, groundings, collisions, fire, explosion, floods, cyclones, or other similar events. General average contributions are also reimbursed.

All Risks Insurance

 This broader coverage includes all the risks under FAP SAUF plus additional risks such as storms, wetness, breakage, handling damage, theft, and falling overboard.
Insurers also cover theft or shortages if documentation proving non-delivery or break-in is provided.


 Damages due to inherent defects, temperature-related influences, inadequate packaging, intentional or gross negligence by the insured or their beneficiaries, as well as war, nuclear contamination, piracy, riots, and strikes are not covered.

War Risks

Maritime war risk coverage begins when the goods leave the loading dock and ends upon arrival at the unloading dock. The base rate is 0.032%, but it can fluctuate in war zones or dangerous areas. An extended guarantee is also available for goods regardless of transport mode.
